welcome!this website is for nigel. i cannot be held liable for any harm caused to any non nigels. enter at your own risknavigate using the buttons to the left and refresh if the music player doesnt work. also you have 10 viruses now im so sorry
tus amigos

bombaclat niger ying, happiz bazuday
happy birthday, thanks for ALL your help in the davidson project…
happy 17 sorry for giving you ibs
thanks for the kindle thing buddy 👑
happy 17th! one year closer to getting kicked out of the house
happy birthday nigel. also get a new laptop you broke ass
Happy birthday Nigel!!🎉🎂P.S put your laptop in your bag😭🙏🏿 -toju

or... happy birthday!

winner winner chicken dinner + pathetic!
imagine losing our rigged perfectly fair game. embarrassing for you. im not really the best with messages (you know of my dreadful communication skills) but i hope this will suffice anyway. happy birthday! so i guess you can drive now but maybe dont. you could donate blood. you kinda unlock open world next year though so this is just a weird agethanks for being born i guess, you made the past 5 months of my life actually tolerable at times. you are definitely a human being, and sometimes even an adequate one. i hope you have a decent year, and that everything treats you kindly. life is shit and ib is shit but whenever you feel down ill be there. not to comfort you just to feel bad in tandem lolsorry for all the stupid shit i did. keep being my friend so i have to renew the domain next year. :-)

lead(II) oxide was actually the funniest thing ever im so sorry for your early death

i emailed a bunch of companies in stortford that might produce waste like this, and only one of them got back to me with a stupid email that gave no information. so idk where its from. thanks for showing it to me though

the shitty herty system that worked for a total of 1 week LOL

flikker ?!?!

remember when sparks like this were a novelty because we refused to cheat (inefficient)

الشياطين المسيحيون(malcolm x moment)

windows are neat and we are both cowards

idk what you expected to happen after a week, but this was after one day

math for caretakers that they never did :(

cocaine egg

you had to eat that mushroom huh (not pictured)

very artistic. eloquent, inventive, inspired etc. drop physics do art
i think thats all i have without uploading pictures of you to the internet or massively implicating you but maybe after mocks we can hang out more. i wish we met before ib bleh (i would have been expelled and failed my exams)